
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

space... the final frontier... in my room

Two years ago in July it was the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing on the moon. Matt and I watched a documentary about it, then bought the series "From the Earth to the Moon", then "The Right Stuff", "The Pluto Files", and then I read "Packing for Mars" and well... we've been on a space kick. For the past two years. Currently Matt's reading books by astrophysicists and we're watching documentaries on the universe. Also I've requested a trip to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena for my birthday. Here's the framed photos of the moon landing that hangs out in the sink area.
In our room we have a mixture of nerdom. On the one we have space stuff as the picture above and the picture here of a good old party on the moon print.
And we also have the Disneyland nerddom, which in addition to these ride posters and another one also includes a framed banner from the old Disneyland parking lot. And framed photos of us at Disneyland for the past four years we've been a couple.
We love the prints. We love Disneyland and we love space. That's us. Someone posted on their blog this Ralph Lauren wallpaper of the constellations they were planning on putting on the ceiling. The thing glows in the dark. IT GLOWS IN THE DARK PEOPLE.
So how can I combine our love of space and love of Disneyland into a room for grown ups? I'm thinking of putting all the Disneyland stuff in the bathroom and keeping the space stuff in the master bedroom. Which makes sense why I'd want furniture from around the time when space exploration was at its height. I just gotta figure out how to blend all these ideas into one room for two people. Why is this so hard?!

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