
Thursday, March 17, 2011

the best thing ever

Since we've been vegetarians and since I've learned that gelatin is made from the hooves of animals, we've not had marshmallows. Actually that's not true I've had a few s'mores. But Matt has not. Complicated by the fact that he can't have graham crackers due to his gf diet, and he can't have chocolate due to his allergy to dairy. Enter this wonderful-ness I heard about from Mary.
Vegan. Gluten-Free. Gelatin Free. MARSHMALLOWS. And let me tell you, I actually like them better than regular marshmallows. Mary keeps kosher so she found these guys in her kosher grocery store. I found them at the Pangea Vegan store along with vegan gummy bears.
Back to the S'mores. I already knew GF graham crackers existed because I found some for Claire once and well dark chocolate doesn't have dairy so my beloved was able to enjoy a s'more.
It makes me feel so very satisfied to be able to feed my honey not only things that fill his tummy, but also things that put a smile on his heart. Like he does for me every day.


  1. I never knew dark chocolate didn't have dairy. Guess that's why they call the other kind milk chocolate. Did you use your fire pit or the little blow torches? PS- I wrote a blog. Shocking, I know.

  2. you have no idea how excited GF graham crackers made me when you brought them to claire.
