
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

the guest room: color time

Well it seems the genders are always flipping in the two guest rooms and as you've seen in the drum room so here is the guest room. Straight up swap. Even the table that was in there moved over here.
I took an informal poll via text: "Desk in the guest room, yay or nay?" I got one nay, one depends, and two yays. I went ahead and did what I wanted anyway which was what the "majority" voted for.
It's more of a "writing desk" than a work reminder I think. Plus our guests usually travel with their laptops and the desk is at the perfect height to watch a movie in bed from the large selection of DVDs available for rent at Casa Fredrich.
The green lamp was in my office but it made sense here so I moved it.
I brought in the solar powered radio (set to KJAZZ) and put a jar of pencils in here with some notepads in case you're inspired to write and mail a note while you're here. Let the record show in addition to a jar full of unsharpened pencils, I did buy a pencil sharpener.
The wall of colorful frames moved as well. I tightened the arrangement and removed excess frames. This was tricky because they were so tight but it looks like one large piece instead of a billion little pieces.
I stole this picture of an experiment National Geographic did to recreate the "Up" house. Feel free to interpret what a house floating on balloons means to you. I know what it means to me.
This nightstand was on the opposite end of the room and I moved it over here. I like the fact that it actually covers the floor beneath it, much of the things in my house do not I've realized.

The green Gideon bible and the green birds. Whoa I have birds in two of my guest rooms.
I even replaced the old knob for another Anthro one.
And oh no she didn't oh yes I did. I got yellow jersey sheets.
And a grey bedskirt that desperately needs to be ironed. The bedding is temporary. It doesn't make sense right now but the new coverlet will explain why I have yellow sheets and a grey bedskirt. I have not lost it. Yet.
I have another one of these in the office kept thinking what shall I put over the bed, what shall I, ah, perfect.  Plus it's silver so it makes sense with the grey bedskirt.
Here's the reflection of the star over the bed. Cute no?
I even swapped out the curtain rod to continue with that silver/grey thing. These curtains... I'd like some striped ones but I'm not in ANY sort of hurry.
And the room still has the luggage rack (hmm, I should replace that ribbon), wood hangers, hamper and for either of your temperature comfort needs: a remote controlled fan AND a heater.
Esther could not believe there wasn't a waste basket in the room. So this hot pink thing will work temporarily until I find something suitable. I swapped the lamp out with the one in our master bedroom since the one that was here before was slightly damaged due to a 1 year old who shall remain nameless.
I think the room is a lot more me in there now. So, who's gonna try it out first?

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