
Thursday, March 3, 2011


For my money, Jenny at Little Green Notebook is one of the most original of the design bloggers out there. Her own home is a constant source of inspiration.
My favorite thing about her is how DIY she is. She sands and paints the furniture, sews her own curtains, builds things like beds, pelmet boxes, screens, headboards, sews bedding. I envy her skill. I have no patience for it, I'm glad she does.
She decorates for reals and actually has clients too, even though her mom's bedroom was one of the best makeovers.
Her blog also has inspiring images she compiles from other sources and this image from a recent post tells me she's got a good eye for trends and things that are a little more unique than the usual everyone does. Rorshach wallpaper that looks framed? YES.
Which is something I've been thinking about a lot lately. Is my home just totally cookie cutter? I've been seeing a rash of home tours lately that all seem like read the same blog and buy the same things. I sure have my share of stuff I follow trendswise but I'd like to think I just do what I like. Maybe I need to not read blogs and gather inspiration from other places. But I probably won't stop reading Jenny's.

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