
Sunday, March 6, 2011

lets start with the scary but happy ending part first

Before I regale you with tales of Angie's 1st birthday party, I will horrify you with a tale that I am very glad to report had a happy ending though it did take a few years off my life. Oddly, this was caused by a One Year old after her 1st birthday party in the USA (she had a Mexicali piƱata in February). 
After the party at the pool cabana, the family all came back to my house to help me wash the dishes they used and to play video games while we waited for our cousin Jerry to pick up his kids. His kids had an adventurous day as well but I'll tell you that later. Angie was exhausted and Tia Gaudy wanted to try to put her down for a nap. So upstairs they went. I waited for them at the top of the stairs since I was in the drum room letting the cats out because they were locked in there all day due to bees. More on THAT story later as well. The room the cats had been in was pretty stinky since the litter box had been there so I opened the window to let some air in keeping in mind there was still a screen on there. Well sure enough Angie walks into the drum room instead of going to the guest room where a nap awaited her and I walk behind her to try to redirect her back to the hall. Here is the re-enactment with pillows. Ab and Gaudy were right behind her and all three of us were in the drum room for less than a minute as we watch Angie. She goes right for the window and as she does with all windows puts both hands up and leans on the screen...
For a split second the three of us have a different thought... my thought was she's fine, there's a screen there. But the screen doesn't hold and it falls and Angie begins to fall right behind it. The three of us give out the most horrified yells of our lives and I grab Angie as half of her body is outside of the 2nd story window of our house teetering in between awful injury and safety. I pull her back into the room and sit her on my lap and hold her for a good minute or so as the rest of us try to relax and Esther rushes upstairs to see what the yelling was about. She sits there quietly with me in front of the window as I thank God that He was watching her. She didn't cry, didn't do anything but sit quietly. I think even she realized something really awful could have happened.
If she would have fallen through, she might have landed on the top of the patio boards that cover the front patio and she might have just been bumped and cut instead of just falling to the bottom floor but thankfully neither of those things happened. I don't ever recall reacting so swiftly and calmly over something but I guess I had the right motivation. My heart wasn't even pounding as I held her but I kept running the moment over and over in my head seeing her little purple pants fly up as her legs go up and her face that said something was wrong but she wasn't sure what was happening. I gotta tell you kids playing near windows has never concerned me before but it sure as heck does now.
Oh and Poppa Dan, we need a new screen for our window. As you can see, ours broke.

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