
Monday, March 28, 2011

this stuff is cool: for your bathroom

I have a subscription to House Beautiful and the April issue featured a few items that were adorable and also useful. Well one of them was useful, the other was just me all over. The first was a lotion called "City of Angels" that evokes the Santa Ana winds, jasmine, eucalyptus, and smog. Yes, smog. I think I may end up buying the perfume. Cause I have PLENTY of hand lotion believe you me. In like every room of my house and car and purse.
Oddly enough my sister in-law must've read my mind and had this bottle of soap sent with my mother in-law. My family knows me very well. Thanks Em.
The other item is just about genius. It's a set of four toothbrushes stamped with the three months you're supposed to be using the toothbrushes as per medical recommendations that you're to replace your toothbrush every three months. Clever no?
The site by the way, IZOLA, has the freaking cutest things that I think Ali, you would seriously dig and may have to buy them. Like the anchor soap dish. Or the apothecary shower curtain. I'm considering the guest toothbrushes.

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