
Saturday, April 23, 2011

angie the crack up

Angelina Joy is truly a joy. I heard of pressure to live up to your name but this girl really steps it up. At a year and some change she's showing a lot of personality and is really interested and interesting.
She's really into books. I got a magazine in the mail and she wanted it. Presumably so she could find out if baby jeggings are acceptable but probably 'cause she wanted to be read to. She pulled tons of kid books off my shelf and kept bringing them to me. 
She thinks everything is a game. She started doing this thing where she hands you things, you say thank you, and she cracks up. Then repeats. And repeats. Until she's handed you all the TV shows from S-U. Oh and she thought it was HILARIOUS to feed me. I have never had so many gerber graduate cherry puffs in my life.
Not only does she like to laugh but she likes to make us laugh. She found this popcorn machine element on the floor and put it on her head. Since we laughed she kept it on.
Then she thought it would be fun to lean her head on the cat as a sign of affection.

She escaped the clutches of her mom and ran into the kitchen naked. What is more symbolic of freedom and youthful exuberance than running around naked.
We have no idea why but she decided to do a mind meld with the spinner thing.
Just listen to that laugh.

What a joy she brings to our lives.

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