
Friday, April 8, 2011

i can only take so much

For the past I dunno, month or two I've been watching this kind of stuff:

A show about dudes and cars.
A show about dudes in space.
 Nova specials starting an astrophysicist.
 Podcasts about and a book about the physics of the future with this astrophysicist

When Matt's home he picks the movies and shows. Most of the time. We both agree on 30 Rock and Community 'cause well, duh. But COME ON! I HAVE OVARIES! I WANT PERIOD COSTUME DRAMAS! CHICK FLICKS! TEAR JERKERS! This is the stuff I've been watching on Netflix Instant Queue when Matt's at work.
Honest to goodness I watched this one just for the costumes. It did not disappoint.
And this is waiting for me on DVD to be watched.
Obviously I enjoy the hilarious British dudes and the funnies but underneath my nerdy space loving experience, sometimes I just want to watch a movie about a girl coming out of rehab who shows up for her sister's wedding. What's wrong with that?!

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