
Monday, April 18, 2011

like chevy

I was named after a nun. The woman taught my mom how to waltz for a QuinceaƱera had her name changed to Maria something and my mom, age 13, asked her what her name was before she changed it. The woman told her it was Evelyn. My mother said to herself if she ever had a girl, she would name her Evelyn.

My parents did not give me a middle name. I was Evelyn Camacho.

I tried to give myself nicknames and tried to get everyone to call me Lynn. Didn't stick.

My old BFF Alex Avelar started calling me Evy around junior or senior year of high school. It stuck.

When I got to Biola I introduced myself as Evy and started spelling it EvY with a capital Y.

When I write EvY, I don't like to combine it with a last name. I'm just EvY with a capital Y. Like Ke$ha.

Who is Ke$ha anyway? What songs does she sing? I just know she spells her S with a dollar sign.

I still enjoy being called Evelyn by certain people. Some have a knack for saying my name right.

When I was engaged to Matt I started doodling my future last name. I was not attached to my maiden name Camacho, too common of a last name. Until I was on the verge of losing it forever.

Camacho is my middle name now.

I am pretty proud of of my feminism and keeping my maiden name somehow.

Evelyn Camacho Fredrich is a great name. I mostly go with just Evelyn Fredrich.

Sometimes I write Evelyn C. Fredrich 'cause I am so happy to have a middle initial.

You all know how I feel about not having my name mentioned on correspondence intended for Matthew and myself.

At our wedding I made a point of the minister introducing us for the first time as Mr & Mrs. Matthew and Evelyn Fredrich and not Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Fredrich.

Along with everyone in my family I have to tell people it's pronounced Fredrick but spelled Fred Rich.

I don't like being referred to as Evy Fredrich. It's either Evelyn Fredrich or EvY.

Only one person can call me Evie and get away with it and that's Rupert, who's British. Actually, all British people seem to have trouble pronouncing EvY so they say Evie (eeeveee).

I got tired of people mispronouncing my nickname so I started writing my work signature as EvY (like chevy). Which everyone gets a kick out of and they now refer to me as "EvY like chevy" like that's my name.

I'm okay with that.

After all, what's in a name?

Tell me about yours.


  1. charlotte only calls you evelyn. i must refer to you as that most often... i'm michelle because if i was a boy i would have been michael. then they had the boy... and he was michael... yeah, i know not so creative.

  2. The sound of your daughter calling me Evelyn is one of my favorite sounds in the world. It melts my cold cold heart.

    Ebelen Ebelen can you dwaw me a Cinderella?
    Uh, I can trace it.
