
Thursday, April 21, 2011

pleasant surprise

We got a note from the homeowner's association that they're re-painting the front doors for all the units. We were allowed to chose the door color from a few choices like boring ass beige in two shades, peach, green, black, red, and blue. I really wanted the black door, ha, yeah right, and it was between the green one and the blue one. I remembered once on a walk that Jill wanted a blue door so I chose the blue one.
Nobody in our family likes the color of the door right now but we figured we'd have to live with it and hey what do you know, they're repainting. HOORAY!

They're also repainting all exteriors so I'll show you what the place looks like when they're done. In my wildest dreams they're repainting them all a beautiful shade of any color other than the being plastic color they have now but I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen. Oh well.

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