
Thursday, May 12, 2011

out with one, in with one

The day after Angie left, my sister Liz asked if she and her family can crash with us for a few days while they find a place. The owners of the place they were renting had their mom move back in and they wanted the back house back. They were given about a month and didn't find a place so they had to move out and now Lyla, Liz, and Jamar are here with us. Since I wasn't working this week I offered to watch Lyla today and turned out they were both working during the day and badly needed a sitter. Their life right now sounds pretty exhausting. Jamar works nights so he comes home, sleeps a little and stays with Lyla during the day. Liz goes to work at 8, returns at 6 and relieves Jamar who then goes to work. 
Luckily, Lyla is the world's easiest baby. She's sitting next to me playing with paper coasters, happy as a clam. She's the kind that pretty much entertains herself with activities for extended periods of time vs. Angie who gets bored easily and moves on to the next thing she can destroy. She is a major talker, just like her mom. She just babbles and babbles to anyone that will hear her. Her only quirk is she has to have an adult in her line of vision or else she starts bawling. And it's that serious crying with big fat tears.
She's giving me the ole yawn so we'll see if she decides to nap for a bit so I can nap. Ah auntiehood.

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