
Monday, May 16, 2011

summer movies: bridesmaids

I had made up my mind from the trailer that it was going to suck big time but the interview she had on Jon Stewart convinced me otherwise since he hyped it up and said the rotten tomatoes freshness rating was in the 90s. Then everyone started saying it was funny and I would like it and so I went.
My sister Mari, her friend fashionista Chalena, and myself met up with Aaron and Milena in Hollywood. We had dinner at Kitchen 24, had a drink at Bodega Wine Bar, and saw the flick at the Arclight. A ridiculously expensive evening but it was an event my friends, reminiscent of the days of old. And the movie was worth waiting for the 11pm showing even though us old farts were concerned we would fall asleep. We were awake and laughing all the way.

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