
Monday, May 2, 2011

thank goodness 1997 me didn't plan my wedding

Always bad news when I start cleaning out my office. ALWAYS. I get distracted when I open boxes and then I skim old journals (they go back to 1994 friends) and came across an entry where I talked about things I wanted for my dream wedding. Oh heavens:
Doves with mother effing rings. That was the height of sophistication in my mind. Genius 1997 me, age 15, thought I'd be engaged by TWENTY and married by TWENTY TWO. 1997 me also thought that my bouquet would consist of pink roses, white daisys, and blue forget me nots, which were the flowers on my parent's wedding invitation that I found after I'd decided on those flowers. I had determined all my bridesmaids would wear the exact same hairdos and matching absolutely everything. Thank heavens I came to my senses before my for reals wedding came up 'cause I skipped that whole bridal party nonsense altogether. Not my thang. I'd do it for you guys in a heartbeat of course, heaven knows with three sisters I'm bound to be a bridesmaid at least one more time.
One thing that did happen was that I wanted a reception at a park with a white tent. The tent didn't happen in 2007 but the park sure did. As did the rain. 1997 me was smart to think of a tent.... And the one thing that I found mature thinking for a 15 year old was that I could not at that time say anything about my dream wedding gown because I didn't know who I would marry. When Matt & I were engaged I knew that I wanted a white dress with a black bow. That thought never entered my head until that man entered my life. All choices for that wedding were about us, I was the bride and had the final word but it was very much us. I don't think 1997 me would have been disappointed though.
Doves with rings. What in the hell was I smoking when I thought that would be cool? Listening to too much 1990s soft rock or something...

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