
Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I'm hitting a wall within these many walls. We'll probably be moving out next year and I'm sort of feeling like I've done all I can with this place. Even thinking about re-doing the master bedroom was something I couldn't quite figure out if I want to put the effort into.

On the one hand I feel like now's the time to buy stuff since we don't have a mortgage to worry about.

The again, I shouldn't spend the money I should be using to pay for a house.

Don't worry, we've already saved for a down payment.

Do I really want to go through the hassle of buying a new bed, having it delivered, assembled, get rid of the old one, then when we move, MOVE the new bed? Likewise with all the other pieces of furniture?

I'm definitely not painting any rooms in this house. Not worth it.

I just can't commit to getting rid of or acquiring anything until we find out where we're moving to and what kind of layout we're going to be working with. Two rooms? Three rooms? Four rooms?

I'm sure I'll find things to blog about. Maybe I'll just spend the rest of my stay here throwing parties to keep you all entertained.

Accessorizing and changing things like bedding or art ain't no big deal but even that I feel like I just want a clean slate before I commit more to anything else.

Even worse than that, I'm not feeling very inspired with blogs and home mags lately. I'm kinda just bored with the things going on in the blog-o-sphere. The blogs that I enjoy they don't post enough for my needs. They probably have lives. Psh.

This whole post is becoming really depressing.

What do I spend my money on?

Clothes. Yeah.

Food. Cooking. Yes.

1 comment:

  1. I hate to have to point this out, but you've got a bad case of #whitewhine. :)
