
Monday, June 13, 2011

The Seattle Trip

The trip came and went, it was fast and fun. I uploaded all the pictures to my facebook so you can check them out there but here's the basic timeline:

FRIDAY: Grandpa Plank gives us a ride to the airport, good plane ride, Man-D/Vanessa pick us up in airport, they drop us at Hotel, we check in, chill a bit then meet up for a little browsing at F21, then lunch at Cheesecake Factory (they didn't want to do vegan thai, go fig), then we walk to Pike Place Market, do the Starbucks store, the gum wall, then walk to the Space Needle, get up there and wait for sunset, then head home, order room service from hotel, watch cable, sleep.

SATURDAY: Room service breakfast. Meet with Milena in lobby, get coffee, hit a few stores (F21, H&M, Old Navy- I only bought a few things at F21), head back to hotel. We take light rail to the stadium where we meet up with Josh and our pal Duy who gives us the tickets. Watch Mariners game with gang, eat a veggie dog, lots of kettle corn, big thing of lemonade, and listen to U2 sound checking next door at Qwest field. We split up. We take the light rail back then take the monorail to the Seattle center. Milena, Matt, & I head to the Experience music project. Then dinner at Bamboo Garden. Head home to hotel, Lynners and I have drink and sole baring talk at bar next to hotel, Matt sneaks off to enjoy his 40% discount at Barnes & Noble Seattle. Back to room for TV and sleep.

SUNDAY: Man-D and Vanessa pick us up, we put our crap in their car, try to find a breakfast place that isn't ridiculously packed. End up at 14 Carrot something, meh. Vanessa drops us off and goes to do Vanessa things. We watch Josh & Jessie become a family! Then Vanessa picks us up, we change in the car from wedding outfits to regular clothes, split up at Sea-Tac, run into Ed Begley Jr, wait for plane, and listen to crying baby entire way back from Seattle. Land at LAX to waiting brother and sister in-law who we gift with Starbucks cup and drive home regaling tales of our trip. The End.

Overall, pretty awesome trip. I can tell we're all old because we fit in naps on our trip and took things at a leisurely pace instead of rushing to do as much as we could in as little time. My favorite was Milena and my plan to head to this cool hotel near the water to have drinks and by the time we got back to our hotel we're like uh, there's a bar next door to our hotel. The best laid plans...

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