
Friday, July 29, 2011


At the fourth of July thing in La Mirada Regional Park (snooze) there was a sweet side of it where I ordered Watermelon juice from a vendor and got a 10% off coupon and a menu to a new Mexican bakery/juice bar in the Stater Bros shopping center called Azucar. Since my local juice joint Oasis in Whittier went out of business it's nice to find a place to fill the void. 
With its distance to Biola walkable, I imagined lots of couples having conversations here and friends "studying" on the couch. Did anyone ever learn anything when studying with a group? I sure as hell never did. All I remember was "skinner operator", all else is a blur.
I am dying to go back to try their breakfasts. French toast and oatmeal and such.
I think what sold me on trying the place was the fact that they sell elote in a cup. Mexican style elotes with the mayo, parmesan, and butter. MMMMM mmmmm.
I was gonna order a smoothie but was won over by the sample of fresh strawberry juice.
I asked if I could have a torta without any meat. She said sure and asked if I wanted to add beans and I said yes. It was delish and the bread was pretty phenomenal. Oh and it comes with a fruit cup.
The menu:
Have you guys heard of bionicos? It's a new thing to me too, well a few years old anyway, it was served at our wedding. They're giant trays of fresh fruit with some condensed milk and coconut shavings on top. Pretty dang tasty. I wish I was throwing a party so I could buy a tray of this stuff.
Anyway as you can see above that's the address, phone, and hours of operation (Sundays are 8am-4pm) so now you have no excuse not to visit them whenever you're in La Mirada and not to be selfish but we need to keep them in business so I can continue to eat here. I also hear their iced coffees are pretty tasty.

Oh and on weekends, they have tamales. TAMALES! Andale, andale.


  1. pardon my gringo-ness... but what exactly is elote???

  2. It's corn. Usually you get a corn on the cob with all the fixins which is mayo, parmesan, and butter but they put it in a little cup.
