
Thursday, September 1, 2011

what does the inside of your fridge look like?

I think it was Michelle and I who talked about one of our favorite chores being cleaning out the fridge. Since the sister moved out it's back to a veggie life for Matt and I. The pictures I'm sharing are very intimate but I'm willing to share because it was a particularly abundant shopping trip. My fridge doesn't always look this beautiful. Here's the veggie and tofu drawer:
Cheese drawer:
Doors shelves. G-d I love our new fridge:
Beverages shelf. Almond milk= Ali was right dammit:
PB & Jams shelf:
Ginger Ale shelf:
Juices shelf:
Even more condiments shelf:
I didn't take a pic of the butter shelf but it's basically unsalted butter and earth balance.

I like seeing the inside of people's fridges. You can learn a lot about a person peeking inside. 


  1. mine is also pretty tonight... tomorrow is trash day, so i cleaned it out and then went shopping.

  2. I love almond milk! And it's about half the carbs as regular milk- and carbs are all the things I gotta count when I'm diabetic...

    However- your fridge CERTAINLY has yummier stuff in it than mine at themoment! Everything I've got is low carb...
