
Thursday, October 27, 2011

matt turned 30

It was going to be a casual hey everyone come over and play video games night. Then people kept RSVPing yes so I had to be a show off. I made two types of pasta that took little time but I didn't give myself enough time so I was in the kitchen for longer than I wanted to be when people showed up. My lovely sister Mari came by early, as usual when I have parties and was my sous chef. She cut up lots of garlic and chopped things and washed dishes. I didn't take a lot of pictures but my other lovely sister Gaudy took pictures for me.

I'd never made a caprese salad before. I guessed. Mozarella, tomatoes, chopped up basil and sprinkled salt, pepper, and balsamic vinegar. I thought people would freak but they ate it up.
I remade a salad I'd done for a prior Christmas party with spinach, parm, pomegranates, pears.
Vegan chocolate and peanut butter cupcakes for my honey pie. And people actually went for it.
Snickerdoodle cupcakes for everyone else. I made it cause on my notes it says "have all ingredients on hand" but guess what we don't do eggs or dairy in the house much so I had to buy both of those items for the first time in months.
Guests. Birthday boy. Old friends.
My brothers. 
Our friends Toni & JB brought their 2 month old to meet us all. She was chillin'.
I set the table and added the extender table for our little guest Aaron. I wish I'd taken pictures of the table but I put out the tealight candles and Matt's action figures on the table. They were enjoyed by all. I mean, he might be thirty but he's still a kid at heart.
We were happy to provide a home cooked meal for our friend Kyle who just moved back to the area to finish up school at Biola. He's about 4 years older than I am but I felt like his mom, offering to let him come over and do laundry and for a home cooked meal.
My siblings. Aren't they adorable?
Can you believe this handsome young man is 30?
Happy birthday beloved. I hope you enjoyed your party.

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