
Thursday, November 17, 2011

it's way too early for this

On November 6th I started decorating the white Christmas tree in my office. I had opened it and set it up to make absolutely sure I wanted to keep it and was going to try to use restraint and just leave it in the corner undecorated, waiting for after Thanksgiving.
But Matt had the idea to put it up on the side table next to the couch and I tested it out and then well, it looked so darn cute and would temporarily become the night light and I couldn't leave it barren...
I went to Target and found a mini tree skirt that is so cute it makes me want to punch an old lady in the face. Either that or disco. I even put a mini present under the tree you can kinda see...
In the dollar bin I found some glittery letters. I wanted an F but instead found an M & E.
Then I went mental and hung up colorful bells on the tree. Do you know how badly I've set myself up for failure? The stupid cats already tried to knock the tree down when they kept batting the bells.
So while the Christmas nut in me wants very badly to continue decorating the tree, the practical me already tried to find some ornament hooks and couldn't. Let me tell you though, I LOVE it and Matt could tell 'cause when I asked him if it was too early to put it up he said oh yeah but I'm not gonna stop you. I'm also taking advantage of his nap to play the Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack. Shh.

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