
Monday, November 14, 2011

visiting the ole roomie

Last month I took a weekend trip to visit the ole roomie who's studying theatre at the Pacific Conservatory of Performing Arts in Santa Maria. It was just me since Matt had to work and since I've been working like crazy I hadn't had time to recap the trip. Anyway, I got to meet her theatre friends who were staffing a booth at some festival.
After the festival we went dress shopping for her. Fancy dress shopping for someone else is so much more fun than for yourself. She tried on stuff she never would have if a gay dude and me hadn't been picking it out for her, she was game. Ended up with a hot gold number everyone thought was a winner.
Being that we were with a bunch of theatre kids we went to a show. The Great American Melodrama where we pigged out on junk food.
And spent some time together the new roomies and the old one.
The following day we went on a little hike on a very cool little trail. To get there we passed 13 mini lakes in Am's VW beetle. Either insane or brave, I'm not sure but we made it there and back without calling AAA.
 We pretended we were bad ass.
The next day we really just wanted a delicious breakfast but since Santa Maria isn't exactly the cuisine capital of... anything, we gave it our best shot and got lucky at the Santa Maria Inn. When in doubt, go for hotels, they never fail.
Have I mentioned that this year I'm doing like Runaway Bride and trying all the ways to do eggs? That morning it was eggs benedict and they were amazing. Especially on a piece of english muffin.
After breakfast I asked the front desk if we could check out one of the rooms and toured a suite Charlie Chaplin had stayed in once.
It was a pretty great weekend with the ole roomie. And we're all so very proud of her for following her heart and doing what she loves. Especially since that means she can be a college student again.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you came! Fun, fun, fun weekend. =) Can you send me your pictures? I have up through the hike.
