
Monday, December 26, 2011

the anti-evy gift guide

I was thinking about making gift guides for you all but those things take work and other people do them better than I do so I thought I'd make you a gift guide for me. Of things you should NEVER buy me. Now this is day after Christmas and Matt said I should have done it before Christmas but it's more one of those reflection type things since actually my family violated all of these rules. They got lucky this time...

1) Never buy me decor things. I'm sure you may have a good inkling as to what would work in my home but you're probably wrong. Even if it's black and white and yellow, just say no.
2) Scented candles. I am very particular about candle smells and take great pleasure out of finding the perfect candle smell for the house and the room it will go in so don't take away my pleasure. Unscented candles maybe if they're particularly me but no smells.
3) CLOTHES. NO. NO. NO. You cannot possibly guess what I would like in an article of clothing or if something would fit me. So let's just avoid that whole fiasco.
4) Jewelry. I am fairly predictable when it comes to jewelry and I buy lots of it but I fear if you take matters into your hands, it will not end well.
Not that you'd ever know I would act like I liked it. But let's just keep this in mind come birthday time.

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