
Monday, February 6, 2012

lyla's first trip to disneyland

My first trip to Disneyland I was in my mother's belly and I don't think a year has passed without a trip to the most magical of places. So of course, the first trip to Disneyland for Lyla was a big deal. Unfortunately I had to work that Friday but I joined Lyla and Liz after work. I debated whether or not it was worth it since it was almost 8 by the time I'd be getting there, maybe the kid would be tired and cranky but I had to try, even for a little bit and we actually got four rides in thanks to the off-season crowds being quite light. She saw me and got very excited. Awww.
Waiting in line is boring for grown ups so how do you entertain a tired kid? iPhone.
She was waving at the elephants. The actual ride kept her very still. Part scared, part excited.
Ah the tea party. Lyla loved spinning the teacup. She even got mad when it stopped spinning.
I picked the yellow one. Obviously.
We tried some mouse ears and hats on her.
I have never seen this child so still. Maybe she was exhausted or maybe the concept of a bunch of singing dolls just blew her mind.  She clapped and stared and pretended to sing along.
It was fun to spend even just a few hours with Lyla on her first of many trips to Disneyland.

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