
Saturday, March 3, 2012

the next house

I've been doing some thinking.

We're gonna be moving this year. I dunno when. I dunno where. When we moved into the condo we're in now, in case you forgot the story, the deal was that Matt's parents would own (we co-own) we would pay rent, and we'd save money to buy a house by the time his mom was ready to retire. Well that's this year and we have to stay here 'til June 27 but after that or maybe even before that, we need a new place to live.

On set one day as I was bored out of my gourd I started checking out zillow to see if houses in LM were still affordable: they are. The ones that were in our price range need lots of work but I'm not scared of any of that business, in fact I'm looking forward to it since there's nothing left I can do at our house now. Onto the next!

But the next house will bring some challenges that I embrace but was starting to worry about until I started thinking positively. Not that I was thinking negatively before but you know...

First off it's gonna be smaller. At least a room and bathroom less. Right now two rooms and a bathroom sit barely touched but I'd still like to have three rooms at least: our room, an office, and a guest room. Those rooms are all filled with stuff right now I'm not really trying to condense because I have the space and I just don't know what I'll be dealing with at the next house. That's also why I'm not buying anything big (furniture) for the house in case it would be too big. The only home things I've purchased lately are small things and I get rid of things just as easily as I buy them.

It will be our first home and the entire responsibility of maintenance and repair will be ours. Which is scary and makes the inner lazy me concerned. But deep down, there is also a "I can do that" me that would not shudder from things like installing cabinets or painting rooms herself. I don't have to do that right now so I don't. But I feel like if I had to, I would. I can't see myself gutting bathrooms by myself but I don't think I'd shy from installing a toilet or sink.

Exciting parts would be the ability to chose and customize a home to fit our needs exactly. I have so many saved layouts and ideas of things I'd love to do for the way we move and live in our home so it'll be nice to pick everything. Towel racks. Cabinet Color. Counter tops. Height of bathroom sink. Shower doors. And then I'd get to document it for you guys to see. That'll be fun right? Who doesn't love a great before and after?

Sometime soon we'll be meeting with a finance guy to see what we need to do to get this thing on the road and what documents we'll need to get together and I'll keep you guys updated of the big milestone stuff and not every single meeting or house viewing 'cause I've read other blogs that have done that and I don't read it, I just want to know which house they bought and what it looks like. So I'll do the same, pictures, ideas, and none of the boring bits.

That's what I've been thinking. I'll let you guys know when the thoughts start becoming actions.

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