
Thursday, March 29, 2012

sick tray

Over the weekend I was a little bit sick and was thinking about all the stuff we do to try to make ourselves feel better. The drugs. The voodoo medicine. The Golden Girls.
I heard someone recently when offered medicine straight up refusing saying "Well I figure it's my body doing something to get rid of the sickness, why alter it?" The only drug I don't mind taking is aspirin for the headaches but otherwise I'm not into drugs unless I am working and need them to make it throughout the day like Mucinex but I ain't happy about it. I think it's the hippie in me.

This weekend I had a lot of vitamin c, zinc, elderberry syrup, and immunity tea. Oh and I didn't go out and slept a LOT. And I took a bath with peppermint and eucalyptus and epson salt. I felt a lot better by Sunday night. I dunno if all that helped or my super immune system that never lets me down.

So what do you guys do?

1 comment:

  1. i just refuse to get sick. and then i don't. my poor baby has the beginnings of pneumonia and is on prednesone, albuterol and amoxicillin... i HATE giving her all that crap. it is also the hippie in me but i couldn't argue with it when my 9 month old sounded like darth vader...
