
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

update on: my feelings about moving

I was texting Ali that the move to Burbank had me ambivalent at first but now I'm just freaking excited.

The excitement came from Aaron texting me, asking when I was moving to Burbank and when our house warming party was happening. 

Which meant four things: 1) I mostly communicate via text message apparently 2) I'd see my friends a LOT more 3) I'd throw even more parties? 4) I get to pack and unpack

My two best friends don't live anywhere near me. One is in Boston and the other is in Santa Maria. Neither of them will ever really live near me and that's something I've come to terms with so it doesn't matter where I live in California, they're both gonna be either a long drive away or a long plane ride away. My other closest friend lives in Indio so what's another hour to drive to see her three princesses (oh and her too I guess). The only person that lives near me is Man-D and we see each other every other month but I know it won't stop us when I move to Burbank 'cause we'll have Angel games and trips together. So I actually will be gaining proximity to more of a majority of my besties: 4 will be a few miles away instead of 1. This means that Milena will be coming over to have me cook her food and drink booze. Aaron will be coming over for Golden Girls marathons. Miri will be coming over to bake things in my kitchen. And Alexa will be coming over to watch movies with Eric. 

Also, Matt gains a lot of his friends too but this blog is mine so he can blog about his excitement on his blog (not that he has one).

That means I'll have a house where we can throw parties and not worry about neighbors and my fun co-workers might actually show up. Award show parties up the ying yang mother tuckers! My house now is already the party house because it is indeed a house with space and seating for groups so my side of the family tends to default and have parties at our house which is absolutely what I was looking forward to. Some people want to be left alone, I want people to visit and party and watch movies with us. That's just me. I don't want anyone living with us mind you, but a few days a week or month here and there, I'd love it. I also had forgotten about the essential house warming party. I would absolutely want to throw one. I even have the invites in my head already. Now while I will not have my family so close by to drop in for parties, I'll have my friends and co-workers more inclined to visit.

And then the packing. I love packing. I seriously do. I love putting things away perfectly in containers and then overthinking where they go once they are out of their box. Re-arranging furniture. Boxes with labels that say "family heirloom VERY FRAGILE". Boxes and boxes and boxes that say "BOOKS". My idea of a good time my friends. We have a lot of boxes saved from when we first moved to this house and if we need backups I'm planning on using this service if we need more but let me tell you something: I am not doing any heavy lifting. We're gonna be setting aside some money to cover moving costs and during the prep I'm gonna be doing the most of the packing of things and unpacking of things (Matt will help but lets get real, he'll pack it the way I won't like it, no one will) so when it comes to moving furniture, I'm leaving that to the men. I'm not lifting crap even if it means saving money. NO. I won't be helping angle things down any stairs and sweating, I'll carry boxes here and there and I'm sure Matt and I will be doing our fair share of moving furniture by ourselves in our new home but from one house to the other, down a flight of stairs and into trucks and out of trucks, hell no, here's money, you move it.

I remember how much fun it was unpacking things when we first moved into the condo. By the next day around dinner, I'd done so much unpacking that Matt's friends couldn't believe we'd only been there a day. Of course I remember the inconvenience of trying to find things in our house not knowing where they were. Oh well. 

Anyway, I'm excited. Very excited. Can't wait excited. Now someone just accept our house offer and we can get this show on the road.

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