
Saturday, June 30, 2012

had to rethink my packing strategy

It's gone be the real Portland when we head up on Sunday. My bag was gonna be all shorts and tanks but I guess I'll be bringing my pleather jacket after all.

Colorado on the other hand looks just right...

Everything fit just right into the carry on. I'm also bringing my new neon backpack to carry around during the day and wanted to show you just how perfectly the top of my carry on looks. The zip case in the upper left has one side of non-liquid toiletries (q-tips, toothbrush, etc) and one side of makeup. The thing just below it is a grid it a brilliant piece of organization that keeps all your cables, technology, or whatever neat. Matt had grid it envy so he bought one too. Liquids in the quart bag.
The EVY bag has my jewelry, iPhone armband (big plans to work out on the road), and sunglasses.
The loaner iPad is great with my blogging app so I might blog some on the road. 

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