
Thursday, June 14, 2012

summer cart

It's been a good but long week. We (Matt & I) were wrapping a job and got the note to start another job the next day so we've had a few long days in the office handling the business for both. The only reason I'm even blogging right now is because waking up at 5am wasn't enough and now I'm up after 11pm for some reason so why not blog some? 

Other than work and constant house looking my thoughts are consumed with an upcoming trip. After much talk and no action we bought tickets to Portland. And Colorado. We'll be in Oregon from 1-5 of July then taking another plane to Denver to hang with Matt's awesomely terrific Colorado family 5-11 of July. They love the Simpsons, Nacho Libre, and Arrested Development. This also means I will once again be spending the 4th of July in a city other than the one I live in and now I'm aiming on making that a goal for life. Next year I'd love to spend it somewhere in the south like New Orleans or Atlanta. For the next few days though that will mean a lot of work and little free time but I did squeeze in some summer rearranging when we got back from Matt's parent's house. Here's the summer cart.
The tub is full of leis and kites. It's ridiculous but you just never know when you need a kite.
Tonight we're going to an Angel game, Saturday we're doing miniature golf I think and bike riding and then Sunday we rest hardcore. Very social lately. That's not like me. 

Hope you guys have a mix of alone and together time with friends this weekend. 

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