
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Colorado Day 6 & 7

On Tuesday we went to the city of Denver and visited Uncle Rog at work. He works at a box factory. 
Actually it was a lot of fun and very interesting and we kept quoting an awesome Simpsons episode where the kids go on a field trip to a box factory. It's very special to our family.

If we were any sorts of tourists we would have done our research about the capital of Colorado and walked around town and visited the US Mint or seen a museum or taken a tour of Coors Field (remember, the Rockies were not in town during our entire stay, I won't be forgiving them for this), or whatever other things there are to do in Denver but we did the one thing my beloved wanted to do:
I literally have not seen my husband happier since, I dunno, our wedding day? Actually I'm not sure it compares, Casa Bonita kicked 09-22-07 in the crotch. The smile on his face could not be erased. Every twist and turn into this ridiculous/insane/astounding facility just lifted him higher and higher. I mean, have you seen him happier? And he hasn't even gone inside yet!
You have to pay for an overpriced meal because they offer so much. $12 each for the most disgusting Mexican food of your life is actually too small a price to pay for all that you get in return.
"This makes the rainforest cafe look like a piece of crap!" -Matt. It was as if I was imagining it, but I wasn't.
It was like a mini city inside. A labyrinth of seating and adventure around every corner.
There was a cave where black bart lived that actually scared the bejesus out of me.
Two arcades. One with carnival type games and one with retro arcade games.
The seating all had different styles. We dubbed this one the "Quinceañera Room".
We missed the puppet show but there was another stage for mariachi performances I think.
The capacity for all of Casa Bonita was about 1000 people.
There was a "abandoned mine" seating area.
A jail photo booth opportunity.
A room reminiscent of Carlsbad Caverns.
And off of here a young man would dive into hopefully warm water.
It was beyond belief. I think going here was Matt's birthday/Christmas/anniversary present all rolled into one. After this we had nothing left to give Denver so we just drove back to Longmont.
And had Mexican food again for dinner only this time it wasn't vomit inducing. We went to Comida. I judged it right away as a winner because it had a look and some style. The chairs were hot pink and the logo was cool looking.
They kept the silverware simple and had jars ready for water with utensils and napkins rolled up inside which I plan on stealing at some point. Also I want a for reals wood table instead of the cheap-y Ikea one I have. Add that to my someday pile.
It was small bite style so you order a bunch of little things and share which I'm a big fan of.
Horchata, piña, and watermelon jalapeño margaritas. The margaritas were spicy.
I forget how much I love jicama with lime and powdered chili.
The family ordered quesadillas and such.
I got some gordita/sope type things that were pretty delicious but ordered sweet potato puree I think. Sweet potato puree was a mistake, it was like baby food. Blech.
I also got some regular mashed potatoes and these were good.
I love square plates. If they weren't impossible to stack & store and if Matt wouldn't murder me if I bought yet another set of plates, I would consider it.
Deserts were awesome. This was some sort of ice cream cake.
And the item I'm desperately trying to duplicate. Mexican chocolate homemade ice cream. I don't even like chocolate ice cream but I love Mexican chocolate. Trying to make it non-dairy is also part of the problem so wish me luck.
And that was it for Colorado. We were sad to go and time just flew by. Penny wished us well.
The flight was uneventful which was great.
Dad picked us up at LAX, we got home to our furry ones and spent the rest of the day unpacking and settling back home. While we were happy to be back, we had a freaking great time in both states and maybe next year for the 4th: Chicago? Atlanta? Austin? Nashville?

Thanks for subjecting yourselves to a recap of my vacation. You're good people.

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