
Thursday, July 12, 2012

some serious projects happening

Matt got home a man on a mission. I don't know if you guys know this but he wastes no time unpacking when he comes home whereas I let the suitcase sit for a few days and slowly put everything away. Within an hour of being home all his stuff was put away and he seemed very determined about getting things done around the house which only inspired me to get things done too. He went through all of his CDs and took them all out of their cases, alphabetized them, and put them into new CD books. While he was doing that I went throughout he pantry and mercilessly weeded out food I'm never gonna eat and set out things we need to eat before they expire.
I'm debating whether or not anyone gives a crap about my trip to Portland and Colorado. It was a really great trip actually and since nothing else is going on what the hey, I'll post some stuff even if nobody cares.

Sheesh poor computer, it's downloading all the photos and it is working overtime. Well someone should be...

Have a good weekend. I'll be watching Lyla, seeing Ambre in a play, and sunning myself by the pool and re-bonding with my bicycle who I cheated on with other bikes in two states.

1 comment:


    (that was me calling for a post about your trip to Portland and Colorado, in case you didn't get that).
