
Thursday, July 26, 2012

summer vacation at home

We expected to start a job right away upon return but instead were told our job would maybe start next week. We were very grateful just for the rest of the week off after being away from home for so long and wasted no time filling our days with activities, friends, and family. Now it's been another week and still some stolen days of summer. Ahhh just what we needed.
I babysat Lyla on Friday and made the mistake of putting the strawberries on the plate before she ate her real food. All she would eat was the fake bacon and the strawberries, lesson learned.
The next day I watched Angie and Liz came to pick Lyla up and stayed for awhile and we drew on the sidewalk, tested bicycle helmets, and went for a pool dip.
They didn't want to take the helmets off.
I caught this of Lyla making a hilarious face.
Finally got to see Ambre in a play. She's really good, as I expected.
Went for a  dusk bike ride on the Whittier Greenway trail.
I take advantage of sunshine and spend it outside, Matt doesn't feel similarly about heat. 
But since I did the grilling and cooking he had no choice and we ate al fresco.
Happier than a pig in crap is how happy I am when twinkle lights are involved. I copied my boss and strung up those cool little string lights before we left for vacay and I'll write about another use we had for them later.
We went golfing and to a driving range.
Here's a better shot of Leela. She's so cute.
Matt finally agreed to an advanced anniversary present for me/us. This is Nibbler.
Went to Hollywood Forever Cemetery (more about that later too).
Visited my old church in Downey that loves showing their support of Israel.
And watched an angel game with Amanda.
Where they finally won while we were there.
Golf. Bikes. Theatre. Pool. Grilling. Outdoor movies. Movie theatre movies. Baseball.

Have I mentioned how much I LOVE summer?

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