
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

bye bye new york

In true me fashion I'm awake way earlier than I need to be and can't go back to sleep. We have a 7am flight and are supposed to be up at 4:30 to leave at 5 but well, here I am.

I ended up buying another suitcase. A cool polycarbonite carry on type that has an outside accessible section that I packed for the San Francisco portion of my life. I am a sheltered human being that grew up po' so having been on airplanes that went to Portland, Denver, New York, and San Francisco in the same year is pretty crazy. And awesome.

On the last day we went to the memorial, Wall St, Battery Park, Tribeca, Ghostbusters HQ, had our best meal of the trip, Kate Spade mothership, Fishs Eddy, and Muji. We left just enough undone for the next time I find myself in the city that does like me and refuses to sleep.

- mobile blog post. spelling irrelevant.

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