
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cinespia at Hollywood Forever Cemetery

One of the most amazingly Los Angeles of Los Angeles-y activities is the viewing of a film at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery during the summer, which we went to in July.
It sounds moderately crazy, which makes it perfect for Los Angeles. You get to watch a movie at a cemetery surrounded by dead celebrities (and the occasional live one) surrounded by 100s of your closest strangers in a picnic setting. Matt was just happy to see the grave of Joey Ramone.
Nate Bell had warned me that I would either love it or despise it and I suspected I would be of the latter  but somehow it felt like a pretty magical night and so I became the LOVE IT gang.
I packed a very fancy picnic for our trio (our large, hairy child Fatz came along).
Matt was psyched about the blueberry lemonade.
It was definitely one of those nights that reminds me why I love Los Angeles.
And realizing that I'll be living for the rest of my life since this is where all of my family and career is. Other places got what they got, we got movies.
And yes, I am recapping something that happened in July. I still owe you:
1) My 30th Birthday in February
2) My mother in-law's retirement party in June
3) More of the NYC Trip
4) The San Francisco Trip
Whew, good thing I was diligent about Portland & Colorado 'cause I would be way backed up otherwise. I could post about the house and clothes and such but I'm just not feeling much these days since we have no Burbank House yet to aim towards. At least I'm posting.

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