
Thursday, September 20, 2012

evy not paying attention to new york landmarks

So in an attempt to distance myself from tourism, Francesca and I attempted a photo series we called "evy not paying attention to new york landmarks". Here's me checking email in front of the Apple Store by Central Park.
Taking photos of something other than Rockefeller Center behind me.
Tying my shoe in front of the Plaza Hotel.
Chatting with Andy in front of Laduree.
Searching for something in my purse in front of the Guggenheim.
Throwing trash away in Times Square.
Flicking lint off my pants by the Statue of Liberty.
 Then enjoying my cup of Dunkin.
Sending texts in front of Colombus Circle.
That's just how I feel about Wall St.
I did however dorkily pose in front of the most important of New York landmarks: Carrie's House.
We were going to attempt this series in San Francisco but I think I got lazy? Who knows.

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