
Friday, October 12, 2012

stop the presses

OMFGCO: Oh my freaking Golf Cart Ornament.
I am desperately gonna need it for my office tree.

Peace out foos. It's the freaken weeken. We're going to Disneyland today with Chelle & my sister and to Biola tonight to see some Biola people show Biola films (blech someone shoot me, I'm just going to see my friends), see Book of Mormon on Saturday (swear words galore!), and hang with Matt's family on Sunday that I'm actually excited about 'cause I haven't seen them since I went to New York in like AUGUST and one of them got engaged (to a Puerto Rican so we get more latina to this whitey family. also she has nephews that are amazing!) so we have to gush about that.

Hope you guys get some golf in. Or whatever you do that isn't golf.

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