
Monday, January 14, 2013

i was arrogant and this is what i get

I was wildly optimistic slash in denial about how well the whole packing thing was going. I mean I did three rooms in one day so I thought, man, how hard can this be? I think I forgot that those three rooms didn't really have much in them to begin with and oh yeah I forgot about this little room:

Blurg! Where did all of these things come from? And why are they all breakable and require a copious amount of bubble wrap to be packaged?! Damn my habit of hosting dinner parties and cooking. I'm paying for it now.

In other moving news, we're reserved our movers (of course Matt chose the movers with tattoos and skulls but they're very well reviewed) and the moving date is set for the 9th. While we're scheduled to close on the 2nd, it's just gonna be too much for my feeble body to return to Los Angeles one day and then start moving my life to another city the next so we're giving ourselves a week to wrap things up in La Mirada before we head on up to the BUR. 

I'm pronouncing that BUR like when you're cold (brr) not spelling it B-U-R, in case you were wondering.

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