
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

it's really everybody's house, not just ours

I've come to the rapid realization, and a wonderful realization at that, this house we own, it's everybody's house. Throughout the process of searching and buying this house my boss Francesca would ask if "we had a house yet" as if she was a part of the process. We had laughs about it then but it's starting to become very true that this house is not just our house, it's everyone's. I don't think I've felt so much love, support, and encouragement from all sides than during this process. Offers to help from both of our parents, friends stopping by just to see the place and hug us, parents unpacking boxes, offers to help us move, in fact Francesca's boyfriend Tim actually helped Matt install new locks on the doors so quite literally it has become "we have a house".

I want to believe it's because everyone loves us and is happy for us and want to encourage us along the way in such a big life step and I also believe wholeheartedly that God knew that in giving us a place to call home, he was giving a lot of people a house, a default party locale, a place to let traffic die down in, a place where you can use your many years of apartment living repression of not being able to use your hands and do manual labor (our new tenant Eric), and a place to park your cars if you have flights out of Burbank airport. 

So, while Matt and I technically are the homeowners, it's nice to feel that we're not alone in this. That we have parents that love us and want to plant trees (my dad), and show us how to install a washer and dryer (matt's dad) and friends that will bring ice cream for Oscar party socials. And I cannot tell you what a relief it is knowing that someone upstairs and a lot of people within arm's reach are watching our backs.

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