
Friday, December 20, 2013

are you guys ready for x-mas?

Are you ready for Christmas? I'm ALMOST there. 90% the presents have arrived via the magic of mail (just have two more to go) and I bought my family a few bonus presents in New York last time I was there and those are wrapped and under the tree. Saturday is my last day to wrap things up (literally) and then I'm taking a break to just chill and enjoy the family. On the day after Christmas I'll begin the preparations for the annual HUODmas party. Those items are slowing trickling in from the mail too and I'm pretty excited about putting things together since I'm trying really hard to avoid stressing myself out about this party as I do every year. Matt always has to talk me down at some point and reminds me that the only important thing is that your friends are there to see you, everything else is secondary. With that in mind, I'm shortening the amount of time I have to prep but it's during a time when nothing else is going on so I can focus on getting everything done quickly and thoroughly. 
Did I mention my sister Liz is 7 months pregnant? She's having a boy in February, right around a certain aunt's birthday. Anyway, they could only get this weekend off so on Sunday morning we're having breakfast at Dan & Jill's with my family (since La Mirada is closer for everyone than Burbank) and we're gifting Lyla & Liz & Cesar since they won't be able to make it Christmas night. Angie is also going to be with her mom (who is being a pill about being with the family on Christmas day, whatever) so we're taking advantage of the 22nd and giving her all her presents early too. Angie's really into Christmas trees. I had a spare teeny tree I gave her so she can decorate her own little tree at my mom's house and she was so into it. My mom isn't really keen on Christmas but she was happy to let Angie have her own little tree in her room. 
Matt's sister and her family are coming into town on Sunday so it's gonna be a triple dose of family. We're gonna spend the night in La Mirada on the 23rd and 24th and come back on the 25th to feed our starving pooches and have dinner with the family here in the new house. 
I'm feeling pretty blessed at the moment. So much to be thankful for this year and finally having a home to call our own is definitely near the top. Last year around this time we were frustrated about not having been able to find a place and then our offer was accepted and before the year ended we were on our way to being home owners. We've been so happy in our home, with our shorter commute, our new neighborhood, it's been a great move all around.

In case I forget to say it later, Merry Merry Christmas Everyone!

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