
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

welcome 2014

Well bye bye 2013… It was actually a pretty great year even if I ended it and am starting with being the sickest I've ever been in modern memory. Please remind me to never get sick while pregnant ever again (still so weird to write that p word around here). 

Two pretty big things happened this year so they sort of trump everything else but I did split my time it seems between either being out of town or spending time adjusting to our new life in Burbank. I spent about a month living in New York and a week vacationing in Chicago. It felt as if I was gone a lot. But a lot of my down time was spent fussing with the house or dreaming about fussing with the house but in reality, not a lot was actually fussed since this year was also a really busy work year. I would say I hope to do some more fussing this year but… we'll see. One room at least. 

All in all, it was a good year and 2014 is probably going to be amazing and different in so many ways. 

I wish all of us a great year.

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