
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

lay-z and such

Well… still no work. We did however get a few things of importance done. I went in for my monthly baby check up (all is well), I went to take that gestational diabeetuhs pre-test (the sugary drink tastes like flat sprite but the blood draw was extra painful for some reason), we checked out cars at CarMax, we emptied all the spare boxes in the kid's room out, we saw Captain America: Winter Soldier, and we just lazy'd about. Like Gadget.
I feel like I should be more productive during this unexpected time off and I'm trying very hard to be. So I guess that I should get out of my PJs, get my nails did, and head to Target and the grocery store for supplies. Know what I badly need? Shorts. I have one pair that fits because they're stretchy waist but with the weather warming up, and HURRAH for that, I am in need of some chorts.

Oh! We got the mattress! I had a crib sheet hanging around just waiting for this moment.
We kinda got it for free since we used our credit card points and turned them to amazon gift cards and used it for that. Big time sigh of relief for this soon to be momma.

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