
Thursday, May 29, 2014

getting even flower-ier

I didn't realize how much I was gravitating towards flowers for my girl's room until it was staring me in the face. I had purchased some flowery decals awhile ago and put them on her door to indicate you know, hey this is a special room. I'm not gonna put her name on the door or some other nonsense, I thought the two little flowers did the job. 
Over her crib I strung up a little garland of flowers (never mind the party supplies).
By the crib I nailed this Ikea picture frame and I think I'll grab one more to put up higher.
I put it up and realized I didn't want it to be totally empty when guests arrived and saw her room so I remembered I had these art cards from Ikea that were .25 for 8 and stuck one in here. When I get the second picture frame I think I'll stick another one from the pack in there for meantime. I dunno what I wanna put in there in the end, for now it's just perfect, it says Rosa, Rose.
I also didn't want to explain to people what was going to go over the dresser so on our recent Target run I bought the changing pad and we screwed it into the dresser.
This was also one of those by golly if this baby comes early I need that changing pad! So, done.
I nailed the pictures to the wall, they'd formerly been on the top shelf to give Alice something to look at while we're wiping her booty.
And since the changing pad took way more space than I'd anticipated, the supplies went up here. Not ideal, but not bad. Hmm… maybe I oughta nail that basket to the wall for safety.
I read a nice post somewhere about things to have by your "nursing station" which will be this little corner, in the drawer I put some nipple cream and breast pads and snacks. They said you'll get hungry and thirsty breastfeeding so I'll have this and a bottle of water nearby.  
Around her looking glass I added yet more flowers.
Which I think are pretty dang cute.
And I hung up the LA alphabet poster. Which I'm not wild about the placement, I think I'll space them out a little more. It looks busy but I hear babies like visual stimulation.
I put the other frame up here and added another picture of a plant in there.
And we installed the video monitor in the cabinet.
I replaced the flowery bins here with these striped ones. They seemed a little more neutral than the flowery bins.
And… we still have no rug. I ordered one from Urban Outfitters and while it was very nice, it was kinda coarse so I'm on the hunt for something softer. I think I want a yellow rug still.
Anyway… that's as far as it's getting in this room before people see it on Saturday. I think it's enough for them to get the general idea I mean, there's a crib in there, that definitely says "baby's room".

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