
Monday, July 14, 2014

there is no place better

Today we busted out of the hospital after being there for 5 days (1 night of labor, 3 nights of recovery, 1 morning).
Immediately upon arrival, the nursery became my everything for this girl. I changed her diaper for the first time (matt's been doing it for me since i've been so weak), fed her in the glider and had her perfectly propped with the nursing pillow, set her down for a nap in her crib and she was out. As the day went on it became a huge relief that this room I have spent MONTHS planning and fussing with is just perfect because it is providing all we need within reach to easily care for our Rosy. I spent all day in here (except for a glorious shower and nap in my bed) and I am one very happy albeit insanely sore & swollen momma.
We are all home now and oh man, there is no place like it.

- mobile blog post. spelling irrelevant.

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