
Sunday, December 14, 2014

being there

Matt worked so Alice and I spent the weekend just the two of us. We walked to Ikea for 99¢ breakfast (and gold wrapping paper purchasing) & she had her picture taken with Santa at the mall. I dressed us in knit hats & that pleased me to no end.

I live for weekends. They are so much more important now that I try to squeeze in the missed quality time during the week into two days and boy is it quality. She is such a good girl in addition to being the cutest thing on this earth.

She did give me what I can only describe as some serious Camacho eyebrow. This isn't it but I knew it when I saw it. It's a face only my dad, brother, & I make.

I am there. Even when I'm not. There I am.

- mobile blog post. spelling irrelevant.

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