
Monday, April 6, 2015

rosermary ryan fredrich

Matt's grandmother Rosemary passed away on Easter Sunday. She had been battling Alzheimer's way before Matt and I were married so as long as I'd known of her, she had been dealing with memory loss. On our way back from our honeymoon we stopped by so I could meet her. She was really chipper and kinda remembered Matt. The smile on his face, he only has that smile when he's really happy.
I'd heard so many stories about her over the years and was sad I never got to meet her when she was well. A strong woman, she raised four children by herself after her husband died.
From what I hear, she was a force of nature.
This was the last time I saw her when she was a little more with it. A few years later she was in pretty bad shape and they told the family to go say their goodbyes and then she hung on for like, three more years! A stubborn Irish lady to the end.
When we were thinking of middle names for Alice I kept tossing out wild names like Luna or Summer and Matt wanted something that had some significance and when I suggested "Rosemary" well, that was that. Our daughter would be a constant reminder of her great-grandmother.
When Alice was 2 months old we took her up to visit her and take a priceless four generations photograph. We were actually going up on Saturday to visit her one more time and now... it's a service.
It's sad to be certain but after being in such a bad state for the past few years, we are filled with the hope that she is at peace with her Savior. Thank you Rosemary for your legacy. We will do our best to teach Alice all about you and for her to live a life worthy of her namesake.

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