
Monday, April 20, 2015

the office for cats

Once Alice became mobile the whole cat thing became a major problem. The hair, the scratching, the litter... it was just too much to keep up with so the temporary solution until we find them a new home is to just keep them locked in the office. It's a little bit sucky for the cats but honestly, they're cats. And while it's kind of futile to continually vacuum and clean up, it's gotta be done. So I did and then took pictures of a rare but clean office.
I won't even show you what it looks like when the cat hair has taken over for days. It's scary. Anyway, here's the office without cat paraphernalia.
I recently added that picture of the palace of fine arts SF. It came from a Rifle calendar.
The cart is still in action but if I ever want to actually drink out of anything, they have to be washed.
My mother in law got me the wonderland un-birthday tea for my birthday this year. I love that there's always a little bit of my abalone in the room. 
I dunno if I've ever shared this drawer but the cart has a a little hidden drawer where I put some eating supplies and it's come in handy. I do imagine Alice and I will be using the neon napkins when we have our tea parties in here.
How do you clean an acrylic coffee table? I used glass cleaner but if you have better ideas...
A recent change due to the cat litter situation was moving the dvd player and Apple TV into the cabinet to keep it safe.
It was actually a good move although if I want to use the DVD player the door has to be open but it's not that big a deal, I use the TV alone time when Alice is asleep and very rarely.
And this is what it looks like as the room where two furballs live.
The couch is covered with this fabric thing, there's a scratching post here.
And here.
And here.
I've kept this ottoman pair around because they like to sit on it to look outside and scratch it up. When they go, these are gonna go too. I upgraded them to a water cooler thing that helps since I don't have to refill the water all the time.
The smelly box of doom.
And their food bowls.
And here's the reason why I only watch TV when the baby's asleep.
It looks like he's plotting to pounce right? Evil LJ.

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