
Saturday, March 24, 2018

oh, hi blog

You know how like I only write when I'm not working? I'm not working! Can't say that I ain't loving it except for these past few days when Wally got a fever and then something hit me and it's been a... poopy situation. Plus rain and you've got yourself some cooped up critters and tired parents.
We're doing what we can to stave off the cabin fever and it's been challenging. I have grown to appreciate how kid friendly our house is and that I don't have to worry too much about things being precious like when a certain toddler abuses the pink ink pad.
Wally woke up around 5am on Wednesday with a fever and mostly wanted to be held. It didn't last long and we did appreciate the cuddles but he's all better now. Me on the other hand... any day now!
Wally has turned a corner since turning one. He plays with things way more now and is a little less of a fuss pot. He is however, so dang stubborn! Every night we pull him out of the bathtub that he so enjoys playing in and he throws these huge tantrums and makes it very challenging to change him. Boy has opinions. But the fact that he can sit and play with toys near his sister for over 1 minute is a step in the right direction. He's also taking baby steps. And he's still freaking adorable.
Watching the two of them play with or near each other is so incredible. I see all the love and frustration that comes with siblings. That of loving them and wanting to play with them and be left alone all at the same time. Oh they share a room now! Did I mention that? It's been amazing to have our bedroom back and that for the most part they don't wake each other up in the middle of the night. Alice no longer naps and is so knocked out by the end of the day that she hears nothing. I can't believe that having set up the room for them to share finally happened. Matt did the major effort in that department and I am so glad he did. 
I'm in between jobs and more particularly... a big job. Like... a movie. YUP. I'll write more about that when I know the details but I got the call on Friday night that I was in. I am both excited and nervous but mostly excited for this new adventure. But ain't nothing like adventures at home.

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