
Thursday, May 10, 2018

he walks, he roars like a dinosaur and other tales

Wally walks! About three or so weeks ago he took his first serious steps and then soon after he was a walking machine. It is so cute to see him toddling around everywhere at home and when Matt and the kids came to visit he was walking all over our production office. 
My day is usually like so: wake up at 6:30am, get dressed, Wally wakes up at 7, he and I hang out a little in the office, Alice wakes up around 7:30, I wake Matt up and we make breakfast and I leave around 8/8:30. I work until 7pm when my boss finally leaves then I rush home to read stories, tuck the kids into bed by 8 and then Matt and I have alone time which has lately consisted of watching classic movies or Matt reading books for his men's group. Weekends are varied with us trying to have all activities confined to one day and then one day where we just do nothing and hang out at home. Having a weekend where we have things going on the whole time really leaves us exhausted as we learned this past weekend so we don't want to repeat that. Soon we're gonna hit production where I will have really really really long days and those weekends will mean everything to us. I get adorable photos from Matt that keep me going. Matt's day is much different and he can do a post on what his day is like with two kids.  
I've really been missing the boy lately. He's really cute right now. He makes adorable happy smiley faces and when you ask him what does a dinosaur say he goes 'rawr'. He learned to mop up salsa or sauce with his food and he blows on his pancakes 'cause he saw us do those things. He knows that a kiss means he makes that kiss noise. He reminds me so much of my dad and my brother and I just love what a sweetie he is so snuggly and huggy and loves his momma. Just like everyone said he would. Sometimes when I pick him up in the morning and hold him he leans on me and gives me almost like a baby hug and it fills my heart up to full.
It's been a good but tiring few weeks while I'm on the movie. Matt has been putting in really long days with the kids and has been really tired lately. After this job is done and after Jury duty I really hope to just take a week and take off. Get outta dodge. Just leave Los Angeles and not think about anything or think about house projects. Just get the heck out. I think it'll do us all some good. Spend some quality time together. For reals.

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