
Monday, September 24, 2018

money can't buy me joy

First off, I got a job so whew, praise the Lord. It goes until October 10 about and then I might jump onto something after that. Sounds like town is getting busy so yay.

We had a very lean month after vacation since I wasn't working and my unemployment insurance didn't kick in until last week finally. We went on full spending freezes and only spent money on food. Our credit card bill was half what it normally was. And as we stared down the barrel of  having an income again, we assessed what our life had been like this past month. I asked Matt the following question: Do you think our quality of life has diminished in any way? Do you think we have been unhappy?
The answer was a resounding: no. Even though we have been living super cheap, we have been enjoying life in Los Angeles with two children to the max. We have traversed this great city and explored it's many free/cheap activities weekly. We went to the beach, we went to parks, we went all over. We did free museum days, free garden days, used our Knott’s passes. We lived it up. We would pack lunches and keep eating out to a minimum. We would order water and make coffee at home. All those tiny tricks to avoid spending a lot of money when you’re out we used. We even laughed about the fact that on one particular outing to Knott’s not only did we not spend a penny, but Alice found a penny and a quarter making us the only family EVER to make $.26 at Knott’s. Yeah we were living tight and it was stressful on me to be imagining worst case scenarios (omg we’re gonna have to sell our house and move in with my mom) but we had faith. And the Lord did provide.

I would like to tell you that we’ve learned our lesson and we’ll be so responsible and save and never spend too much ever again and I hope so. It was a good reminder that money does not equal happiness but we still gotta be careful when we have it ‘cause otherwise when we don’t… we could end up living with our mothers.

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