
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

spring time at the farm 2020

It's been a long winter. It has felt particularly longer than past ones because of some personal stuff we've been going through. Good things in the end but tough like winter. The weather is warming up in Burbank and so is my general disposition. We've been like hibernating bears, as much as hibernating bears can socialize regularly. I've only worked about 5 days this year TOTAL and it's March. Jobs kept coming and going. We took advantage of the time off by really focusing on each other and right when we'd had a weekend of rest and fun kid-free, a job booked. Then it cancelled. So I find myself outside on a laptop wrapping that job, enjoying the spring time.
We entertained ourselves on scooters, tricycles, we had tea time,
(Sprouts has soda bread this time of year and YUM)
I replanted some succulents since around this time of year I forget who I am and buy more plants that I will swear I will not kill.
We also spent time in the front yard looking for lady bugs. These two were uh... "having fun" as Alice innocently said.
I'm really living that 'time for everything' way of thinking lately. I want to do so much but I can't and that leaves me frustrated but I have to keep reminding myself that right now it was not that time. 

But now it's spring time. What's coming our way?

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