
Sunday, May 24, 2020

The COVID-19 Diaries: School's Out

Well we finished with distant learning! This is not the way I imagined my daughter's first year of public school ending. I don't think millions of parents around the world imagined their kids teacher would be dropping off their end of the year items in a paper bag wearing a mask. It was so sad. 
But of course, since I am me, I had to find a way to make it a little more fun so I made little graduation hats and diplomas and had a little graduation ceremony for them. I finally came to terms with the fact that Alice missing out on Kindergarten was personally traumatic to me. Growing up, home wasn't always the safest place so school was a haven and having it yanked away from Alice triggered some deep pain. I spent the last week of school crying/grieving and working on projects to funnel the pain toward something positive and to put a cap on the season of school. We did it! 

As far back as I can remember I always loved summer. Maybe because it signifies fun and sun and just doing whatever you feel like doing and doing it outside. Maybe because it always meant that I was done with school, I could sleep in, and I would spend the sunny days reading, listening to good tunes, and hanging out at home, going on trips, and going out with friends. I've always loved summer and this one was hard to get excited about because I have been unable to think very much into the future as preservation. I've lowered my head and focused on school and surviving and not much else. It's honestly been darn near impossible to focus on anyone or anything but this household and myself. My priorities have been simple as simple can be and I dared not think of what's next because nobody knows and I don't want to drive myself crazy trying to figure it out. I only bit off what I could chew which is VERY DIFFICULT for me, I pack things on and on and therapy has really made me take the step back off that crazy ledge. 
After we officially marked the end of the school year I spent the day returning the office back to the days before it was a school. And it felt good. I wasn't sure if the graduation ceremony or the "Chuck E. Cheese at Home" celebration would work to trick my brain but it started the process and the putting the office back and putting away school stuff sealed the deal. I started thinking about what to fill my hours with during the summer time. About potential projects I could tackle around the house. Things I have been putting off for lack of time and guess what baby? I got loads of time. Sanding and painting or staining the play pen fence. Painting the cinder block wall. Painting the living room/kitchen. Mostly painting things because that's the cheapest projects to take on.
There is one project that is larger that will require my spouse and his father or mine to help us and it is building a patio cover over this part of the back yard which it desperately needs and always has. The only way to make it tolerable to sit here is to host events when the sun is starting to set or already has.
For awhile we had this sliver of a sail shade but that ripped and we want a more permanent solution. 
Digging for photos of this area had me find photos of the days when people would come hang out in our backyard. Remember that?! 
Also found this photo of when the fence was new and holy buckets did that color get stripped from the hot hot Burbank sun!
This is my favorite of the patio cover options that I've browsed online. It's simple, modern, a tad farmhouse but not too much. Matt and I want one overhead light/fan under there instead of all these cool hanging lights. But I do love the hanging plant and swing idea. Definitely into it.
It's funny how the project ideas kept expanding and shrinking until it was down to I'M JUST GONNA PAINT EVERYTHING. So that's the plan for the summer for things for me to do and things to look forward to. Not looking forward to the actual painting but definitely the after and days when I'll be like ah, finally after 7 years we painted the living room. It's done. We did it.

Don't worry, I will make time to just enjoy the summer time with the family.

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