
Sunday, June 28, 2020

The COVID-19 Diaries: The Living Room is PAINTED

The final room to be painted was the largest and most obnoxious to paint. BUT WE DID IT. I meant to take better before pictures but the kids were mid play so this what you get.
One thing I hadn't planned on was that I had been charting the kids's heights on this wall so Matt relocated it to their closet.
The other rooms in the house I did myself ('cause I like to paint, Matt was on kid duty) but this time I had to recruit Matt or else I would have been there forever. As it was we were up until about 2am one of the nights because we could only paint it at night since it's a common room the kids are in. It took us two nights to complete which was not too bad considering but we could have done it faster if we could have worked in the daytime.
This right here was the last sliver of that crappy paint of our whole house. Literally every room in our house had been painted this color that I have been painting over slowly over the past 7 years. BYE BYE CRAPPY PAINT COLOR. 
This was where how far we got the first night.
And then here it is done. Finally after all this time. Finally. Finally. Finally.
All of the pictures are still sitting in the office closet waiting to be put back which will have to wait since HOPEFULLY tomorrow we'll finish the outdoor patio cover project and we can spend the rest of the week restoring order and then next week planning Alice's birthday and then they will hopefully be going to their grandparents for the a few days so we can have some much needed alone time. We literally have left the house alone ONCE in four months to go to Lowe's. Not exactly a date night. Not that we are complaining, other people have it much much worse and we're blessed and grateful.

But also... it's a lot of time being with two kids people!

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